The standard usage of TraveledMap consists in creating your own trips' map. You can place unlimited trips on your "where you've been" map, a.k.a TraveledMap.
Each trip can be detailed to present each place you visited during your trip. For instance, you can show each city visited during a RoadTrip like this one.
You can also link visited steps together by showing the road between them.

For each trip, each step and each road, you can add pictures and videos to make them accessible easily by your map viewers.They will also be able to access your profile details like your name, city, travel statistics and profile picture if you decide to fill them.


Individuals can use for free, but there are additional options that are too expensive for us to be free:

Create unlimited trips
Add unlimited steps
Add roads between steps
Add pictures to your trips, steps and roads
Location search during trip creation
Share map on social networks
Add your next destination
Customize trips' markers color, icon and size
Draw your visited countries on the map$2 by month
Add pictures to the countries you visited$2 by month
Add videos to your trips, steps and roads$2 by month
Draw the path between your trip's steps using .gpx or .kml files$8 by month
For professionals, influencers and so onContact me

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TraveledMap allows you to create your own map, but it would be a bad tool if it was time consuming to share it on your website. This is why you just have to copy paste 2 lines of code to make it work on your website (WordPress, Wix, or whatever the tool you use).

Moreover, you'll have a tons of ways to customize it. You can choose custom markers' colors, icons and sizes. The default center and zoom can be personalized too, as the radius of marker's clustering / groups and map pitch.


Individuals can use for free, but there are additional options that are too expensive for us to be free:

Create unlimited trips
Add unlimited steps
Add roads between steps
Add pictures to your trips, steps and roads
Location search during trip creation
Share map on social networks
Add your next destination
Customize trips' markers color, icon and size
Draw your visited countries on the map$2 by month
Add pictures to the countries you visited$2 by month
Add videos to your trips, steps and roads$2 by month
Draw the path between your trip's steps using .gpx or .kml files$8 by month
For professionals, influencers and so onContact me

Email me at

What if, for once, you could present a RoadTrip with clear geographical information about the destinations you visited ? TraveledMap allows you to do that by embedding a map of your trip on a blog post. This map is static on the screen in order to be visible at anytime by the reader. Moreover, it moves through each step while the reader scrolls the article.
Your trips' steps can contain photographs that will be visible by the user thanks to a pictures gallery.

You can customize the map thanks to a lot of parameters, like the place where you want to put it, the space between the map and the borders of the screen, whether you want to make it expandable or not, sticky or not, etc...


Individuals can use for free, but there are additional options that are too expensive for us to be free:

Create unlimited trips
Add unlimited steps
Add roads between steps
Add pictures to your trips, steps and roads
Location search during trip creation
Share map on social networks
Add your next destination
Customize trips' markers color, icon and size
Draw your visited countries on the map$2 by month
Add pictures to the countries you visited$2 by month
Add videos to your trips, steps and roads$2 by month
Draw the path between your trip's steps using .gpx or .kml files$8 by month
For professionals, influencers and so onContact me

Email me at