Your trip memories

TraveledMap gives you all the tools you need to share interactive maps, on your website or social networks.

Create, draw and illustrate your trips and itineraries, whether personal or professional, with photos, from a very simple interface to handle.

TraveledMap offers a range of 3 tools

Screenshot from an online map

Online Map

Your online map to share with others thanks to a link

Online creation of interactive maps
Creation of trips (single destinations, road trips, city trips)
Addition of step markers.
Routes plot between steps
Upload photos
Online sharing of the map (through a link)
Option : Upload videos
Option : Display/coloring of visited countries

Free (excluding options at $2/month.)

Screenshot of a map embedded in a blog

Embedded Map

The turnkey map, integrated directly on your website/blog using 1 line of code

Online Map features
Markers customization
Background map customization
Choice of default center, zoom and tilt
Full-screen mode
Choice of markers clustering
Whole integration of the created map to your website
Integration in 1 line of code (or WordPress plugin)

Monthly subscription starting at $2.99

Screenshot of a travel itinerary on a blog

Trip Itineraries

A show-off of your itineraries on your website

Creation of personalized maps and itineraries
Integration of itineraries on your website
Focus of the map adapted to the scrolling of the descriptive text of the steps
Map layout adaptable to text placement
Increased visualization for the visitor/prospect
Markers customization
Background map customization
Full-screen mode

Available online or in white-label product "à la carte"

What is TraveledMap ?

Travelers illustration

You are a travel amateur

and you are looking for a new way to share your adventures ?

With TraveledMap you can simply, for free, and in a flash, create your own map and share it to the world!!
Create your interactive map from now, add photos or videos on each step of your road trips or city trips and share it on social networks via a link like this one!

You are a blogger

relentless and passionate about traveling ?

Speed things up by easily integrating into your site interactive maps or even driving directions customized by yourself.
Whether it's about integrating a travel map or itineraries into your articles, a multitude of customization options are available, and the integration into your site is done by a simple line of code, or via the use of a WordPress plugin !

Travel blogger woman
Travel business

You are a tourism professional

and you are trying to create the "wow" effect when you propose a destination or an itinerary ?

We offer to make the product sheet of your tours evolve by considering your graphic constraints and the particularities of your escape promise (agencies/tourist offices/tour operators/communities, etc.).
Increase the interactivity of your site through the help of maps and help the visitor to project himself into the trips you propose !

3 tools developed to simplify your life

Online Map: Your online map to share with others thanks to a link

TraveledMap Online Map is a free, very easy to use tool to share your trip memories!
By using it, you create your own interactive map of a new kind and add your trips. Whether it's a road trip or a single destination, add your favorite photos which will be accessible with a simple click, all in the style that suits you.

For Road Trips and City Tours, you have the option of detailing the trip by adding the different steps, their own pictures as well as the routes taken, for a very visual result, bringing a geographical dimension to your photos.

The little extras : Display the countries you have visited, and also upload videos if you prefer this format to present your trips !

Embedded Map: The turnkey map, integrated directly on your website/blog using 1 line of code

With Embedded Map, choose to embed maps directly on your website.
How ? The TraveledMap team has managed to make this integration possible with a single line of code ! Good to know : it can also be done by using a WordPress plugin.

Create a map of your travels (or any other accomplishments) and, with embedded, clickable location markers, redirect your visitors to the link of your choice (a blog post for example).

Particularly, Embedded Map allows your visitors to find your articles by destination faster by offering a geographic search.

The advantages ? Each marker owns a name and is customizable to your pleasing (color, size, icon).
Add photos or videos that are also accessible with a single click!
Other customization options are also available, such as the choice of map background, the center and initial zoom of the map, the level of markers clustering, the tilt of the map, etc.

Trip itineraries: A show-off of your itineraries on your website

Trip Itineraries allows you to highlight your travel itineraries, whether you are Tourism professional or blogger.

Once your trip is created on TraveledMap (by yourself, or by our team, if needed), you can embed it on the page of your site (or platform/software) dedicated to it or on a blog post.
Thus, you have an interactive map containing the tour's stage markers as well as the routes taken.

This map is one of a kind since its designed to follow the scrolling of the page (the scroll) and target the showed step at that level. Moreover, the itinerary presentation maps have been designed to make the photos of the trip accessible in order to catch the visitor's eye and allow him to project himself. What better way to already see yourself there !

The advantages ? The white label !
For tourism professionals, this tool is available in white label, integrated to your website or on a dedicated website, which allows you to adapt your technical issues to your needs for additional features and make it a unique product on the market.

To summarize, the TraveledMap tools are...

Service illustration


If your trips are unique, your "travel diaries" must be too !
Service illustration

Easy to use

We make the job easier for you with an intuitive and economical interface !
Service illustration


Results clearly of a new kind, interactive and enjoyable, hard to find elsewhere !

Do you need more information ?

Visit the pages dedicated to your specific needs, or contact us at